Mental Health Month: It's OK Not To Be OK

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, dedicated to promoting awareness and advocating for the mental health and well-being of everyone.
Our founder, Bill, started TherapyAppointment with the mission to make therapy available to anyone who wants it and reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues. Today, that mission is a part of everything we do - not just for our customers, but for ourselves.
Mental health conditions can affect anyone
Did you know that in the U.S, there are 350 people for every one mental health provider (SMHA). One in five adults live with a mental illness and only half receive treatment (NIMH); one in six youths suffers from a mental illness and only half receive treatment (NIMH); and, members of the LGBTQ+ community are three times more likely to suffer a mental illness (NIMH).
With the demand for mental health therapy soaring, practitioners are feeling more and more stressed.
Importance of therapist self-care
As a therapist it can be hard knowing when to prioritize your own wellbeing. You invest so much of your time, energy, and emotions in helping clients, but often neglect your own needs.
Spoiler alert: This will only buy you a one-way ticket to therapist burnout.
What’s the first thing they tell you during the safety speech on a plane? In case of an emergency, put on your own oxygen mask before trying to help others. Before you can help your clients, you first need to take care of yourself.
Ways to prioritize your mental wellness

As we celebrate this Mental Health Awareness Month, try to find a few moments each day to prioritize your mental wellness without guilt or shame.
If you need to turn your computer off to go for a walk outside - do it. If you need to reschedule dinner plans because you're exhausted – it’s okay. If you need a day off to recharge mentally - take one.
The only mistake you can make is waiting too long to give yourself a break.