
Frequently Asked Questions

For a list of software specific FAQs, please visit our help center.

Does TherapyAppointment work on Mac computers / iPads / PC computers?

Yes. TherapyAppointment was designed to work on Macs, PCs, iPads, and smartphones. Since TherapyAppointment is 100% web-based, you will not have any electronic health record programs to download and install. The system has a “responsive design” feature, meaning that it will know what kind of device you are using and how large the screen is. It then adjusts itself to fit your device.

What is TherapyAppointment?

TherapyAppointment is an all-in-one EMR practice management software created specifically to mental health therapists and their unique needs. For more than 25 years we have been supporting the mental health community with HIPAA-compliant solutions that streamline running a practice and finding a therapist online.

Built by therapists, for therapists, TherapyAppointment is an easy-to-use, HIPAA-compliant EMR practice management platform that takes the stress out of running a practice. More than just a mental health EMR solution, we offer a comprehensive suite of tools that helps therapists automate daily tasks, connect with clients, and grow their business - including reminders, claims, secure client portal, automatic payment processing, notes and charting templates, telehealth, and more.

What sets us apart from other electronic medical record programs is that we understand the workflow of a therapy office - our team includes experienced practitioners and insurance professionals. Would you trust an ophthalmology electronic medical record software to help run your mental health practice? We didn't think so. That's why we focus in what we know - creating practical tools for therapists that make appointments.

How long has TherapyAppointment been in business?

Our electronic medical records software has been serving therapists for more than 25 years. What sets us apart from other medical EHR and EMR software is that TherapyAppointment was conceived and created by a psychologist in private practice who used his own experiences to develop a truly useful practice management system. So unlike a one size fits all platform, our mental health software was created with your specific needs in mind.

Will my pricing plan change if my number of sessions per month decreases?

Our pricing structure does not automatically downgrade customers once they've moved up a pricing tier.

If you notice a trend of downward usage, or have an extended vacation/sabbatical planned, please reach out to our Support Team. We will be happy to work with you to reevaluate your usage and make sure your plan is the best fit for your practice.

Can I process online payments?

We've made it simple to process client payments online, without the hassle of using a card reader or terminal. TA customers have the option of using an outside payment processor (additional processor-specific fees apply)  or, coming (very!) soon,  our new integrated  payment technology provider.

How do I know if I can bill insurance companies electronically?

Our software was designed to streamline billing for both large and small practices. You have the option to use our integrated claims tool, automatically included with your account, or quickly connect your own Office Ally account (starting at $0.15 per claim).

Can I submit claims for past dates of service (before establishing my account with you)?

Yes! Just put them on the schedule on that prior date and submit.

Do you sync with Quickbooks?

Our cloud based EMR system does not sync to Quickbooks. We have our own internal accounting system for patient accounts and therapist income. With TherapyApppointment, you can create paper billing statements and digital statements. If you want to continue to use Quickbooks, all you need to do for tax purposes is to run an income statement in our software and type those very few numbers into your Quickbooks system.

What about records access in case of a death, disability, or disaster?

We encourage our customers to have a “practice will” that contains (among other things) the username and passwords used for accessing the account and a designated therapist to inherit patient records. If this information is in place, there will be no delay in making the records accessible to the new therapist. If passwords are not conveyed, a records custodian can provide notarized documentation asserting their legal rights to the records. We would then provide access.

We keep your data secure using industry-leading tools, processes, and practices.

I am in a group practice. Who owns the client records?

When there is a request to separate a clinician account from a group, we make contact with both the clinician and the person paying the monthly fee. If the director of the group certifies that the individual clinician is the owner of data stored in our EMR medical records software, they may export and take their records with them to their private practice.

I'm uncomfortable with letting patients schedule online. Do I have to allow this?

Not at all. You can turn the online scheduling option off completely or put certain of restrictions in place to limit online scheduling to only established patients or only certain patients. You can also customize your online calendar to fit your needs.

Do you charge for tech support?

We know that learning a new electronic medical record program can be tricky. From technical requests to insurance billing questions, our support team is here to help you get the most out of TherapyAppointment (fun fact - Lisa, the office manager Dr. Whitehead  originally built TherapyAppointment to support, is now our head of support!). You can also take advantage of our Help Library filled with training videos and help articles.

Do you charge extra for appointment reminders, ERA reports, faxes, etc?

We are firm believers in honest and transparent pricing - which means no hidden fees. Unlike other electronic medical record programs, our entire suite of tools is included in monthly plan. You have the option to include (1) integrated virtual therapy services through Zoom for Healthcare for $5.00/month per practitioner; (2) online claims submissions starting at $0.15  per claim; (3) an integrated credit card merchant service. There are no additional fees for faxes, ERA's, document storage, automatic reminders, or e-signatures.

Where is my data stored?

All data that is shared with TherapyAppointment is stored and processed in North America. Servers and networks reside in US-based data centers within the Amazon Web Service (AWS) cloud. Core staff are located in the US and Canada. Third-party data processors that integrate with the TherapyAppointment portal are also US and Canada-based.

Will your third party vendors access and sell my data?

Our privacy and security standards extend to third-party relationships. TherapyAppointment conducts reviews of third party software and computing vendors to ensure that they satisfy compliance requirements and are equipped to provide a similar level of protection to customer content. All third party vendors that store, process, access, or manage PHI on TherapyAppointment’s behalf are required to enter into a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement that extends the privacy and security standards required by the application.

Is there risk of application downtime?

Servers and networks leverage redundant designs to maximize availability. All servers and networks are distributed across at least two AWS availability zones to limit the risk of application downtime. File and database content for our systems is replicated automatically by AWS across three availability zones.

How often is my data backed up?

Customer content and other critical data is backed up nightly to Amazon-managed storage within the same region and retained for a minimum of 35 days. For most types of information, our team is able to perform a point-in-time restore from backup to any moment within the past month.

In addition to these backups, TherapyAppointment replicates a secondary copy of all customer data in real-time to a geographically separate location to aid recovery in the event of a major failure or natural disaster.

What tools do you offer to secure multiple users in my practice?

TherapyAppointment provides multiple job-based roles and permissions enabling practice owners to grant the right level of access to each user in their account. We require customers to assign unique users and passwords to each member of their team, while providing free accounts for non-clinical staff to encourage compliance.

How do I enforce security and compliance for my staff?

Practice owners have the ability and responsibility to configure and enforce security and compliance settings for their staff, including:

  • Automatically sign users out after a period of inactivity (up to one hour)
  • Require two-factor authentication
  • Disable accounts automatically after 90 days of inactivity
Is my data at risk of getting lost?

Your data is backed up in multiple locations in compliance with HIPAA disaster recovery mandates. Our system also includes comprehensive audit trails so you can quickly detect unauthorized access or misuse of records, 24/7 monitoring, and regular integrity testing, to ensure your practice data secure.

Do you use AI?

We have no plans to use your clients’ data for AI training. We can clearly see that doing so could have unintended consequences and potential lawsuits. However, we are researching how AI could make an experience better from a support level.

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